Unofficial Card Monsters Wiki
War Banner

War Icon.

War Faction is one of the six Factions present on Card Monsters.

Strong Points

  • Melee Attack
  • Skills that damages Back Row (Doublestrike, Trample, Slam, etc.)
  • Skills that boosts Melee Attack (Charge, Crusade, Inspire, Rage, etc.)
  • Great number of cards with Reach

Weak Points

  • Ranged Attack, Magic Attack and Random Damage
  • Heal and Group Heal

Monster Cards

Monster avaliability means if it can be disenchanted and/or crafted and relates to how it can be obtained. All Common War Monster Cards have a regular avaliability.



Monster Name Crystal Cost
Armored Troll 3
Bombermon 2
Firebat 2
Forest Hunter 2
Fr.Silence 3
Gloat 2
Lost Explorer 3
Pirate Swordsman 2
Playing Card Soldier 1
Sparrow Recruit 1
Triglodite 2
Triglodite Blacksmith 3
Triglodite Marauders 4
War Dog 2
Wild Boar 2


Monster Name Crystal Cost Monster Avaliability Monster Tags
Barrier Knight 2 Regular ---
Burning Hellhound 2 Regular ---
Crazy Villagers 2 Regular ---
Demon Swine 3 Regular ---
Eagle Archer 4 Regular ---
Enslaved Warrior 2 Regular Female/Adventurer
Fire Element 2 Regular ---
Fire Warrior 2 Regular ---
Gunfire Panda 3 Royale ---
Headless 3 Regular ---
Invisible Man 2 Regular Adventurer
Pigeon Swordsman 3 Regular ---
Phoenix (Rare Variation) 3 Regular ---
Silverware Set 2 Regular ---
Spear Thrower 3 Royale ---
Timid Warrior 2 Regular ---
Triclops 4 Regular ---
Twinaxe 3 Regular ---
Two-Headed Goblin 4 Regular ---
Wolf Rider 2 Regular ---


Monster Name Crystal Cost Monster Avaliability Monster Tags
Admiral Eagle 4 Regular ---
Amiable Grandma 3 Regular Female
Barbarian 3 Regular ---
Beserker 3 Regular ---
Black Goat 3 Regular ---
Captain Cacti 2 Regular ---
Cloudberry Girl 2 Royale-Only Female
Crazed Pyromancer 3 Regular ---
Crow Bomber 3 Regular ---
Detonator Wolf 3 Regular ---
Dog-Stealing Goblin 3 Regular ---
Drake Lancer 3 Regular ---
Drake Sentinel 4 Regular ---
Electromagnetic Ball 1 Regular ---
Fierce Fire Lion 4 Regular ---
Fisher Monger 3 Regular ---
Fries Knight 3 Regular ---
Ghost Doll 2 Regular ---
Giant Fire Ant 4 Regular ---
Giant Troll 3 Regular ---
Guard of Steel Armor 3 Regular ---
Jack of Hearts 3 Regular ---
Kamicron 3 Regular ---
Lava Worm 4 Regular ---
Little Pumpkin 2 Exclusive Female
Phoenix (Epic Variation) 3 Regular ---
Pigeon Swordsman β 3 Regular ---
Princess Burger 3 Regular
Psycho Spaghetti 3 Regular ---
Reckless Adventurer 3 Regular ---
Robot Soldier 3 Regular Robot
Runaway Egg 2 Regular ---
Snoozemon 3 Regular ---
Spell Breaker 3 Exclusive ---
Suspicious Farmer 3 Regular ---
Twinaxe β 3 Regular ---
The Persian Leopard 3 Regular ---
Velociraptor 2 Regular ---
Wandering Triclops 3 Regular ---


Monster Name Crystal Cost Monster Avaliability Monster Tags
Archdemon of Fire 4 Regular ---
Armored Goblin 3 Regular ---
Captain Eagle 3 Exclusive ---
Cat Knight 3 Regular ---
Chief Executive - Tony 3 Exclusive ---
Cursed Knight Galahad 3 Exclusive ---
Cyclops 4 Regular ---
Dragonlord Xerks 3 Beta Exclusive ---
Ember Giant 4 Regular ---
Falcon Commander 3 Exclusive ---
Fox Girl 3 Exclusive Female
Keeper 2 Regular ---
Knight Commander Garez 3 Exclusive ---
Lava Earth Dragon 5 Regular Dragon
Lava Giant 4 Regular ---
Mars the Spirit of War 3 Exclusive ---
Minotaur of the Labyrinth 3 Regular ---
Moonlight Werewolf 3 Regular ---
Night Thief 1 Regular Female
Princess of Carnage 3 Regular Female
Queen of Hearts 3 Regular Female
Red Dragon 4 Regular Dragon
Resurrected Egg 2 Transition ---
Three Trolls Brothers 4 Regular ---
Watchman 3 Regular ---
Whiterabbit 2 Regular ---
Wolfgrimm 4 Regular ---


Monster Name Crystal Cost Monster Avaliability Monster Tags
Brutal Vampire 3 Elite Female
Doctor Jekyll 3 Elite ---
Eagle Commander Smith 3 Elite ---
Firewielder Fajra 3 Elite ---
Forest Girl Red Riding Hood 3 Elite Female
Heka the Hekatonkheires 4 Elite ---
Moon Maniac Hyde 3 Transition ---
Moonlight Lonewolf Red Riding Hood 3 Transition Female
Prototype Alice 3 Elite Female
Raging Thunder and Storm Garuda 3 Elite ---
Reincarnated Fire Flame King 3 Elite ---
Spider Tank 3 Elite ---
Tesla 3 Elite Adventurer
The Invincible General - Saladin 3 Elite ---
Vengeful Flame Death Emperor 4 Elite ---
Vlad, the Bloody Overlord 4 Elite ---
Zealous Clown 2 Elite ---

Equipment Cards

Equipment avaliability means if it can be disenchanted and/or crafted and relates to how it can be obtained. All Common, Rare and Legendary War Equipment Cards have a regular avaliability and all Elite War Equipment Cards have an Elite avaliability.



Equipment Name Equipment Type
Apron of Mt. Blacksmith Armor
Bandit Armor Armor
Beast Horn Non-Armor
Cross-shaped Spear Non-Armor
Defensive Stump Armor
Elven Bracers Armor
Gemstone Dagger Non-Armor
Green Shield Armor
Hatchet Non-Armor
Heavy Gloves Armor
Infantry Helmet Armor
Medium Shield Armor
Mercury's Wings Non-Armor
Metal Cap Armor
Mirror Shield Armor
Oak Staff Non-Armor
Party Dress Armor
Plain Armor Armor
Ranger Gloves Armor
Restaurant Weapon Non-Armor
Samurai Armor Armor
Samurai Helmet Armor
Shark Shield Armor
Short Bow Non-Armor
Short Sword Non-Armor
Skull Wand Non-Armor
Spiked Greaves Armor
Thief Cloak Armor
Tunic Armor
War Greaves Non-Armor
White Gloves Armor


Equipment Name Equipment Type
Anti-Magic Scythe Non-Armor
AssaultAx Non-Armor
Balance Ring Non-Armor
Barbarian Armor Armor
Berserk Gloves Armor
Burning Armor Armor
Chain Mail Armor
Close Fitting Hat Armor
Dragon's Badge Non-Armor
Feather Cap Armor
Fighting Gloves Armor
Flying Stone Necklace Non-Armor
Hammer Non-Armor
Hunters Bow Non-Armor
Inferno Greaves Non-Armor
Iron Darts Armor
Knight Armor Armor
Lazurite Boots Armor
Leather Armor Armor
Long Spear Non-Armor
Long Sword Non-Armor
Mage Cap Armor
Monk Armor Armor
Ninja Helmet Armor
Old Shield Armor
Pendant of Courage Non-Armor
Pirate Scimitar Non-Armor
Plague Pendant Non-Armor
Ranged Bracers Armor
Ring of Mages Non-Armor
Round Shield Armor
Shield Armor
Snow Boots Non-Armor
Spiked Armor Armor
Terror Mask Armor
Toxic Blade Non-Armor
Winter Boots Non-Armor
Wooden Bracers Armor


Equipment Name Equipment Type Equipment Avaliability
Antennae Staff Non-Armor Regular
Battle Axe Non-Armor Regular
Captain Shield Armor Regular
Commander's Sword Non-Armor Exclusive
Crossbow (Disease Variation) Non-Armor Regular
Dragon Hammer Non-Armor Regular
Dragon Helmet Armor Regular
Feather Amulet Non-Armor Regular
Finger of Storm Armor Regular
Gladius Non-Armor Regular
Heralds Bow Non-Armor Regular
Iron Chain Armour Armor Regular
Legion Towershield Armor Regular
Prince's Sword Non-Armor Regular
Re-ignited Feather Non-Armor Exclusive
Rock Armor Armor Regular
Samurai Blade Non-Armor Regular
Sea-horse Sceptre Non-Armor Regular
Shield & Spear Non-Armor Exclusive
Short Dagger Non-Armor Regular
Silver Spear Non-Armor Regular
Stalagmite Gloves Non-Armor Regular
Siege Lance Non-Armor Regular
Stone Mask Armor Regular
Twilight Non-Armor Regular
Viking Helmet Armor Regular


Equipment Name Equipment Type
Armor of Darkness Armor
Axe of Rage Non-Armor
Battle-Axe Non-Armor
Dragonfang Blades Non-Armor
Ebon Helm Armor
Excalibur Non-Armor
Griffin Helmet Non-Armor
Knight Helmet Non-Armor
Obsidian Spear Non-Armor
Religious Sword Non-Armor
Ritual Spear Non-Armor
Rose Rapier Non-Armor
Sledgehammer Non-Armor
Steel Armor Armor
Stone City Armor Armor
Thief Tools Non-Armor
Trampling Boots Non-Armor


Equipment Name Equipment Type
Blood Reaper Non-Armor
Dagger for the Reckless Non-Armor
Flame Magic Sword Non-Armor
Lion's Pauldron Armor
Sacred Weapon "Omniweapon" Non-Armor
Wind Blade Non-Armor